How your donations are used
Stanford Parents’ Club Operations & Programs:
We rely on parent donations to fund current year club operations and programs, because we receive no funding from Stanford University, and we do not charge a membership fee. Our operating budget is $20-25K per year and covers expenses like: technology, insurance, and program supplies. We have no payroll expenses. We are all volunteers.
Stanford Parents’ Club Scholarship Fund:
The Stanford Parents' Club has a 100-year tradition of funding scholarships. Since our founding in 1924, we have provided over 280 scholarships to Stanford students. Starting in 2024, thanks to your generous support, we will fund three students every year, continuing this commitment in perpetuity.
Learn about Donor Recognition and how to receive Stanford University giving credit for your gift to Stanford Parents’ Club Scholarship Fund. > Click here
Non-profit Status:
Stanford Parents' Club is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization, separate from Stanford University. Please be sure you don’t confuse us with the "Stanford Fund,” managed by the University which raises money to be used where best needed for undergraduate education, and the University’s “Annual Fund” for parents.
Donations of any size are appreciated. Thank you.
The club operates purely through volunteer efforts and your generous donations. Any extra funds are donated to our Stanford Scholarship Fund at the end of the year. In June 2024, the club had enough funds to create a third undergrad scholarship in perpetuity. Through your donations, three students receive a scholarship to attend Stanford every single year.
Suggested annual donation: $25
Thank you for your generosity!