Student Support Programs
If you are interested in volunteering for a Student Support Program, please email
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If you have plans to clean out your closets, please set aside new or lightly used men and women’s professional apparel for a Fall collection drive. Our Career Closet Giveaway provides students with free clothing for job interviews, internships, and special events. The Career Closet Giveaway is a sustainable, practical, and free way to make a difference. It is open to all students free of charge. Parents’ Club partners with Stanford Career Education, the ASSU (student leaders), Stanford Research Park and Alumni Association to create a Career Closet Giveaway once a year.
Parents' Club collects abandoned bikes from the Department of Public Safety in Spring and partners with the Campus Bike Shop to repair them over the summer. In addition, the Parents’ Club's bike refurbishment team works alongside students to help fix up bikes that have been donated via the R&DE's Give & Go Program when students move out. Please consider donating your student's gently used bike upon graduation. All refurbished bikes are distributed for free to Stanford students through student run organizations during the first weeks of school.
Bike Refurbishment
Many Frosh cannot go home for Thanksgiving and would love to have a home-cooked meal with a Stanford family on Thanksgiving day. Parents' Club matches Frosh with local families for this beloved Parents' Club tradition. If you are a local family, please consider opening up your Thanksgiving celebration to students who otherwise would be stuck on campus during the holiday. Both hosts and students have found this to be a rewarding experience.
Bay Area Thanksgiving Celebrations
Stanford dorms are closed during the three week winter break. There are a number of Stanford students who stay in a nearby hotel during the break because they cannot go home for whatever reason. Parents’ Club volunteers bring these students goodie bags with nutritional snacks as well as home cooked meals on several occasions throughout the break. These meals bring students and volunteers together to spread a bit of holiday cheer.
Winter Break Meals

Career Closet Giveaway
If you have plans to clean out your closets, please set aside new or lightly used men and women’s professional apparel for a Fall collection drive. Our Career Closet Giveaway provides students with free clothing for job interviews, internships, and special events. The Career Closet Giveaway is a sustainable, practical, and free way to make a difference. It is open to all students free of charge. Parents’ Club partners with Stanford Career Education, the ASSU (student leaders), Stanford Research Park and Alumni Association to create a Career Closet Giveaway once a year.

Bay Area Thanksgiving Celebrations
Many Frosh cannot go home for Thanksgiving and would love to have a home-cooked meal with a Stanford family on Thanksgiving day. Parents' Club matches Frosh with local families for this beloved Parents' Club tradition. If you are a local family, please consider opening up your Thanksgiving celebration to students who otherwise would be stuck on campus during the holiday. Both hosts and students have found this to be a rewarding experience.

Bike Refurbishment
Parents' Club collects abandoned bikes from the Department of Public Safety in Spring and partners with the Campus Bike Shop to repair them over the summer. In addition, the Parents’ Club's bike refurbishment team works alongside students to help fix up bikes that have been donated via the R&DE's Give & Go Program when students move out. Please consider donating your student's gently used bike upon graduation. All refurbished bikes are distributed for free to Stanford students through student run organizations during the first weeks of school.

Winter Break Support
Stanford dorms are closed during the three week winter break. There are a number of Stanford students who stay in a nearby hotel during the break because they cannot go home for whatever reason. Parents’ Club volunteers bring these students goodie bags with nutritional snacks as well as home cooked meals on several occasions throughout the break. These meals bring students and volunteers together to spread a bit of holiday cheer.

Give & Go
As students pack up to move out of the dorms every spring, they are encouraged to donate dorm supplies, lamps, power strips, plastic bins, clothes, and bikes to Stanford Residential and Dining Enterprises’ Give & Go Program. Donations help support R&DE's goal of achieving zero waste by 2030. When needed, Parents’ Club supports R&DE with volunteers who help sort student donations. Along with the bikes, these items are distributed for free to students through student run organizations during the first weeks of school.